SARPROZ is a very powerful and versatile software that implements a wide range of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and Multi-Temporal InSAR processing techniques.
Main characteristics of SARPROZ:
- User friendly Graphic Interface: no coding knowledge is required for standard uses
- Based on Matlab: advanced users can very easily develop their own software extensions.
- It can be compiled and it can run independently from Matlab on any platform (Unix, PC, Mac).
- Completely parallelized: SARPROZ can run on multiple CPU cores or computer clusters automatically.
- Most Satellites/data formats supported, including Sentinel IW (TOPS) data.
- It can be run in automatic mode from the command line without graphic interface.
SARPROZ is the best tool for SAR/InSAR data investigation and for detailed infrastructure monitoring.