
Master area footprint

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    • #1705


        I have a number of datasets that I’ve created long ago by cropping an original one.

        I would like to get the footprint of these datasets, similar to the MasterArea.kml file that is created when master and slaves images are extratcted (in SLC data import).

        Is there anyway to get it? Or Is there any file (log file maybe?) from where I can read the geographical extents of my dataset?

        Thank you,

      • #1706

          Hi Santiago,
          if you still have the SLC folder with the original images, you can load your site and then run the SLC data processing module in “update” mode. in this way you will be able to plot the master area in googleearth.
          Otherwise, why don’t u plot any extended results in googleearth and the get manually the footprint with a polygon? it would take less than writing these lines…

          Otherwise, just for the sake to give some advanced hints, you can run the following code (from a matlab session where sarproz is running on your site):

          Rg=[1 1 S S];
          Az=[1 L 1 L];
          poly2google([DirGeo ‘MasterArea’],lat,lon,’Area’)
          launch_ge([DirGeo ‘MasterArea.kml’])

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