
Sarproz Release 2016.10

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    • #1495

        Dear all,

        a new Sarproz release is being uploaded at the time of writing.
        Changes/new features:
        – Time Series module. Beside some bug fixes and minor changes, you can now use this module for importing the time series generated from a different dataset. All what you need is: a) the export site par file (generated from the dataset selection window) and b) the TS data (consisting in a ***.tsobj file and a ***_TSfolder folder in the MATLAB directory). With a) and b) you can import the any time series in Sarproz, visualize them and export them in csv or kml formats.
        – New Custom Mask Generation module. With this new module (accessible from the “sparse points selection” frame in the “site processing” window) you can generate a mask for selecting/excluding areas/points from your site from kml files. You can e.g. create a kml polygon to exclude a water body from your AOI. Or you can create a kml line to focus your attention on a railroad/highway.
        – Restyling of the dataset selection window. From this module you can now plot the dataset graph or the dataset parameters and you can also see (total and selected) number of images/connections. Also, choices are applied at the time of selection, without the need to close the window to activate them.
        – New log and background parameters management: log and input par files are now saved in the site directory. A common log file is still available in the sarproz folder. However, when a processing session is concluded, the log of such session is moved into the site directory. In this way, the full processing history of a site can be accessed. Be careful: the log is correctly saved when a session is completed in the proper way. A session can be concluded either by changing the site (in which case a new session is opened) or by closing the software in the proper way (ok button from the main window). In case of crash or improper shutdown, the log is not moved in the site directory.
        Other minor changes are reported in the history of changes.

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