ic350450 started the topic Ideal Imaging Mode and Parameters for Bridge Monitoring Application in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 years, 7 months ago
I am planning to purchase/order a number of images for using MTInSAR for a bridge monitoring application. I am wondering which image parameters and modes are the best for monitoring the displacements over a longer period of time.
I would like to know the ideal polarization to use for vertical and horizontal movements in the bridge. Which is…[Read more]
ic350450 started the topic APS Estimate “Test” Results in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 4 months ago
Hi All. I am working with a set 63 Sentinel-1A images (plus 1 Sentinel-1B image), ranging from 2015 to 2017, HH polarization, to detect seasonal deformation trends of bridges in Illinois. I have used the “smart = 5” option to monitor nonlinear deformations expected from the thermal effects on the bridges. Attached is a picture of the parameters…[Read more]
ic350450 replied to the topic PSInSAR Result Analysis in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 4 months ago
Hi, I am having a difficult time understanding what to look for when evaluating the APS results and notice that in one of the comments above, correlation was one way of determining if the data looks incorrect. What exactly qualifies as correlation between DEM, vel/displ, integrated height etc.? After processing the data in the APS module, I…[Read more]
ic350450 started the topic Free SLC Data Distributors in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 7 months ago
Hi. I am looking for free SLC data (not registered or co-registered) to download for infrastructure monitoring using PS-InSAR (or other) technique. Who are some data distributors that provide free and quick access to these images to process in SARPROZ? I am particularly interested in the TerraSAR-X, COSMOS, and Sentinel-1 Missions data.
Thank you.
ic350450 joined the group sarproz-group 4 years, 7 months ago
ic350450 became a registered member 4 years, 7 months ago