
how to select a high quality reference point in PS processing

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    • #2684

        always congrats on the work.
        when looking for a good reference point for ps processing, what should we be looking for. Not only on the theoretical side but also from the software’s point of view and results.
        What should we be expecting from the results of the specific point in the end process
        (after the sparse point processing).

        thank you,

      • #2685

          The reference point is a critical step. If the reference point is noisy, this can limit the precision of the final result. If the ref point is moving or if it is at high/low elevation, it can bias the result. If the ref point is in a remote area, errors can propagate and make the APS estimation worse. The software performs some automatic tests that help you choosing a correct ref point. Moreover, the software allows you to plot a series of indicators that help you checking if results/APS are noisy and/or biased. Those are all plots in the APS module after the “connections processing”. The arrows in the ref point section allow moving among different ref points. You can try multiple ref points and then check the results afterward. Once you choose a ref. point (and after you estimate the APS), the software makes it difficult for you to change it at later steps to avoid making mistakes (the software also performs some adjustments based on the ref point you select. so, better not to change it in following modules).

        • #2688

            thank you for your help and always fast response.

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