
resampling kml mapping

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    • #2342

        at time series module, I want to polygon or raster style map.
        but scatter map is only point map, and resampling map is No blank(The No data is calculated with a value of zero, I don’t want it, I wanna just blank)

        I want to make the maps likes Beijing Cumulative Displacement detected by two parallel TSX tracks and Los Angeles Cumulative Displacement detected with TSX data that are main in SARPROZ Hompage.

        How can I make this style?

      • #2343

          Use this module:
          1. load points via load mask in site processing
          2. open the scatter plots module
          3. choose latitude as y axis, longitude as x axis, velocity or any other parameter of interest as color
          4. press “go” in filter/matrix visualization to check what you are doing
          5. press “geoout” in the same frame to export the result in the format chosen by you
          In the last version of the software you have also a flag for transparency (which is set by default)

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