
Sarproz Release 2017.5

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    • #2534

        The new release presents a new optional module, in between the APS processing module and the MISP one.
        The new module is called “Graph Analysis and Refinement” and it can be used for two main tasks.

        * The first task is the analysis of the (previously processed) APS graph. By applying a threshold on the connections coherence, one can analyze the connectivity of the APS graph, and decide whether to try to connect separated clusters with local reference points (properly chosen based on the estimated coherence and parameters) or to split the graph into single/multiple clusters.

        * the second task (optional and independent from the first) is the spatial increase of points. Up to this moment this task was performed via the MISP module. However, the MISP module connects all analyzed points to a single reference. In some cases this is not optimal. For instance, in case of very strong movement (exceeding the unwrapping limit), the MISP analysis may fail. This can also be the case of infrastructures as building or bridges with strong local movements. This module allows adding more points to the APS analysis, connecting them to local references.

        More infos can be found here

        Also ASAR Scansar mode is now supported.

        Many more changes and improvements are available, the full list can be found in the manage version module after downloading the new code

        The new version went through a series of tests, however, allow a few months more to consider it stable.

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