dsanchezalamo started the topic Using an External DEM in the forum Sarproz Forum 4 years, 11 months ago
Hi, when I use an external DEM I always get the same result on the SARPROZ monitoring screen.
What does It means? my DEM is georreferenced and I tried to load the DEM with UTM and GEO coordinates. But It seems my DEM isnt working or his reference is wrong.Thanks, David S.
dsanchezalamo started the topic Single Interferometry doubt in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years ago
Hi, when I run two SLC images in a single interferometry process, there is any posibility to choose a ref point? its automathic? or isnt necessary?
Best regards,
David S. -
dsanchezalamo started the topic Rg Slope aclaration in the forum Sarproz Forum 5 years, 3 months ago
Hello, I would like to get a better understanding on analyzing Rg Slope Button in Small Area Processing –> Geocoding. My problem is when I look the Ground profile and the Line of Sight in the graphic, I obtain a line that apparently is impossible to get because the line of sight cross the ground profile twice. How can I understand the graphic?.…[Read more]
dsanchezalamo became a registered member 5 years, 10 months ago