mtrejoe joined the group sarproz-group 1 day, 7 hours ago
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periz replied to the topic curvy edge of orthorectified image in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 weeks, 4 days ago
seweryn started the topic curvy edge of orthorectified image in the forum Sarproz Forum 3 weeks, 4 days ago
Hi SarProz Team,
Could you clarify why the one edge of the orthorectified image doesn’t look like straight? Is it related to the height of the features at the edge and solving SAR distortion effects?
periz replied to the topic Data import in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Hi, depending on the way in which you unzip your data, your data can be extracted in subfolders, masking the contents in a way that the software does not recognize them.
The standard way Sarproz recognizes sentinel data is, if the SLC folder contains directories called S1A_* … .SAFE or S1B_* … .SAFE
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kdanielm started the topic Data import in the forum Sarproz Forum 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Dear Everyone,
I have a rookie question regarding S-1 SLC import. I have over 300 images per geometry ranging 10 years that I have downloaded from the Vertex server. Same path, two-three different frame numbers that cover my AoI, to maintain a roughly 12 days revisit. I try to perform PS-InSAR.
They come as a .zip folder, but I figured from the…[Read more] -
kdanielm joined the group sarproz-group 1 month, 2 weeks ago
periz replied to the topic Sentinel 1 IW SLC Product Reprojection in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 1 week ago
No. You can do the reprojection yourself once you get the final output from Sarproz
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yanakhbarp started the topic Sentinel 1 IW SLC Product Reprojection in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 1 week ago
Hi there, the Sentinel 1 IW SLC Product comes with WGS 84 Datum. Is it possible for SARPROZ to do a Reprojection from WGS 84 to ITRF 2014? The motivation is that the available CORS GNSS Measurement over my study area works with ITRF 2014 Datum, so I would like the PSInSAR result to share the same datum with the ground truth.
Many thanks for the help.
periz replied to the topic In Multi Image InSAR processing, where SARproz will read the phase from? in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 1 week ago
it surely makes sense to consider the temporal coherence of a point
but not for estimating height and/or velocity
the temporal coherence is used e.g. to weight the spatial integration of the APS graph
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yaoshuyi replied to the topic In Multi Image InSAR processing, where SARproz will read the phase from? in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 1 week ago
Thank you for your help.
I have another question. Does “weight data with the coherence” make sense if for the same point its coherence is the same on all interferograms, but the coherence may be different between different points?
periz replied to the topic In Multi Image InSAR processing, where SARproz will read the phase from? in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 1 week ago
* Sarproz gives explicit messages about the options that are taken. if you read messages carefully, you should be able to understand whether interferograms are read, whether flattening is assumed and so on
* in any case, if you apply a standard processing, the phase is read from images and the flat terrain phase is removed afterward. you can…[Read more] -
yaoshuyi replied to the topic In Multi Image InSAR processing, where SARproz will read the phase from? in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 1 week ago
I work with wrapped phases.
yaoshuyi started the topic In Multi Image InSAR processing, where SARproz will read the phase from? in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 1 week ago
In Multi Image InSAR processing (e.g., APS estimation, Graph refinement and Sparse points processing), where SARproz will read the phase from? I know if I don’t have files in the folder “INTERFEROGRAMS”, SARPROZ will read the phases from “FITTED”, and do Flattening and DEM removal. So what if I have already generated interferograms? If…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic sparse point processing using a few images in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
you are not fitting a single line. you are fitting a planar surface (height and velocity).
with 4 images you can look at 3 interferograms. or you can calculate the average if in your particular case it makes sense. or you can neglect height and atmosphere if you are in the proper situation and assume that the phase content is just movement.
seweryn started the topic sparse point processing using a few images in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
I have 4 high resolution TSX images, and interested in do some sparse point processing with this too few images (I know that we need at least 15+ images for a robust PS processing), I started with small area processing to have a clue first, I used amp stab index+sp coherence to select points with a relatively high threshold 1.8 ( I am aware…[Read more]
periz replied to the topic Including Corner Reflectors into Multi Image Processing in the forum Sarproz Forum 2 months, 2 weeks ago
* if you want to cherry pick only a few pixels of interest, you can use this module: https://sarproz.com/manual/kml2mask.html to generate your own mask of pixels, eg by importing a simple list of geographic coordinates
* if you want display data (like amplitude or coherence) of cherry picked pixels, you can use this module (visualization…[Read more]
engailo joined the group sarproz-group 3 months, 2 weeks ago
kianicka joined the group sarproz-group 3 months, 3 weeks ago
kianicka joined the group sarproz-group 4 months, 1 week ago
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